Wednesday, August 30, 2017

What No One Tells You About Running a Sweepstakes

What No One Tells You About Running a Sweepstakes

When I was 18, my dad gave me my first business book. He said, “If I can teach you at 18 what I learned at 36 you will be way ahead of me.” He was right, but what he didn’t anticipate was the speed at which business and marketing would change. It’s no longer enough to read business books. I subscribe to a wide variety of blogs and newsletters so I can keep abreast of the latest ideas and trends. There are a lot of great articles giving you social sweepstakes marketing ideas, but as I have combined my business background with my hobby, I spot pitfalls in giveaways most marketers miss. Here is what you don’t know about running a sweepstakes via any social media channel.

Everyone Else is Doing it.
PITFALL #1 Not adding giveaways into your annual marketing plan.

Sweepstakes, contests, and giveaways that are tied to your brand, product, local or national event, or milestone is a fun and dynamic way to engage with your customers, fans, and followers.

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