Tuesday, August 15, 2017

5 Best Practices to Sustain Your Employee Advocacy Program

5 Best Practices to Sustain Your Employee Advocacy Program

Brands always rely on ‘word of mouth marketing’ and customer referrals to increase their market share. With the advent of social media and digital technologies, your employees are becoming the marketing engine of your business. They hang out in different social media channels and share updates to build their personal brand. Organizations today shouldn’t miss out this incredible opportunity to transform their employees into trusted brand advocates. In today’s digital world, employee advocacy is becoming an important component of online marketing strategy. Modern marketers are embracing this new marketing communication channel to improve their earned media presence online.

Employees are the most trusted of all other key stakeholders in the company. Here are 5 best practices to nurture your employee advocacy program:

1. Make Employee Engagement a Priority

During the planning phase of implementing employee advocacy program, involve human resources professionals to devise an actionable internal communication strategy.


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