Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The What, Why and How of Employee Advocacy

The What, Why and How of Employee Advocacy

Every business is going digital and trust has become the new marketing currency in today’s digital business world. According to Nielsen, 92% of consumers trust recommendations from family and friends.  Today’s ever-changing social media landscape opens up a new world of advocacy opportunities for tapping and motivating the most important marketing assets of your organization – engaged employees. This blog highlights the what, why and how of a successful employee advocacy initiatives within the organizations:

The What

Employee advocacy has become a buzzword in today’s digital world. It’s a Herculean task for organizations to create content that goes viral. To boost social brand reach, many organizations start leveraging their employees in building an employer brand. Hence marketers have to consider employee advocacy as a part of an overall marketing strategy. Don’t miss out on an incredible opportunity to amplify your reach in social media and empower your engaged employees to become powerful marketers for your business!


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