Thursday, September 28, 2017

5 Digital Solutions to Market Your “New” Brand in China

5 Digital Solutions to Market Your “New” Brand in China

Most brands are quite successful in their country. But when they enter China, they need to understand they are starting from scratch.

You have to build awareness, get the trust of the consumers and create engagement before thinking about selling something.

Where should a new brand start in China?

The business environment in China is strongly dictated by the digital sphere. Having a digital presence is crucial to developing a brand image and the reputation of a company. Chinese consumers love new technology because they use it in their lives on a daily basis.

In the first half of 2017, the Chinese spent 40 billion hours on social platforms. This represents many opportunities for brands to innovate their digital strategies in the Middle Empire.

Enter digital marketing

In the past few years, digital has become THE trend in China.

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