Wednesday, September 13, 2017

How to Use Facebook Posts with Blog Content to Drive Traffic for Lead Generation

How to Use Facebook Posts with Blog Content to Drive Traffic for Lead Generation

Facebook has just reached over 2 billion monthly active users. Do you know what that means? More than 25% of the earth’s entire population is on Facebook! This is why it is such a powerful online platform for reaching out to and connecting with your business’s target audience.

Using Facebook in your digital marketing and lead generation strategy is typically a smart idea, no matter what your business is. There are so many different ways to craft Facebook posts, share content, or create Facebook ads to direct traffic back to your blog posts and website.

Use these tips to develop your Facebook marketing strategy and use your Facebook posts to drive traffic to your blog content for lead generation.

1. Use large images.

If you dive into your Facebook Insights, you’ll probably see a pattern. Image posts tend to perform better than link posts across the platform.

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