Monday, September 25, 2017

Should You Boost Posts on Facebook?

Should You Boost Posts on Facebook?

What is a boosted post? Why should we pay for our fans to see our posts?

There seems to be a wishy-washy view from the experts as to whether boosted posts work or if you should stay away from them.

In my own experience, boosted posts are a quick and easy way to get the audience to take an action. The key is having a call to action to make the boosted post effective. Some of my clients absolutely dislike boosted posts. Because as the post gains momentum the comments can be negative or attract trolls. Let’s look at boosted posts and why we need to pay so our fans can see the boosted posts. From this article, you should be able to make an informed decision for your business.

Let’s start with what is a boosted post

A boosted post is a post you’ve uploaded to your Facebook fan page.

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