Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Fake News: The Hidden Face of Influence Marketing

Fake News: The Hidden Face of Influence Marketing

The dark industry of fake news

In 2017, ¨fake news¨ was voted the word of the year by the Collins dictionary. No wonder, in recent years it is one of the most popular ¨buzzwords¨ on the Web and social networks.

This is not a recent phenomenon. Trump did not invent the tactics of false news, lies, and misinformation in politics. Others well before him have gone out of their way to build their influence on their way to power. The problem does not only affect the media and politics but concerns us all as consumers. The phenomenon of false news has given birth to a real industry. This was reported last year by an NPR investigative journalist who reported the case of Jestin Colier. He’s the head of a veritable empire of disinformation sites like the Denver Guardian.

Over the last few years, it’s only gotten worse.


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