Monday, November 26, 2018

Why Social Media Gaffes Persist for Years, and How to Protect your Reputation

Why Social Media Gaffes Persist for Years, and How to Protect your Reputation

Most businesses with an active social media presence dream of viral posts that deliver explosive follower counts and booming revenue growth. But viral visibility isn’t always positive. In fact, even the largest companies in the world get caught off guard by preventable gaffes that taint their online reputations for years.

But don’t let that scare you away from growing your business’s social media presence. While the next few paragraphs may seem frightening, they’ll arm you with the information necessary to safeguard your brand from common missteps. Let’s look at why mistakes go viral, exactly what makes them stick around, and how to safeguard your reputation.

Why Social Media Gaffes Go Viral

In my first article for Maximize Social Business, I clearly stated that you should not delete anything on social media…but there is an escape clause to that argument. While you shouldn’t delete follower complaints—unless they are hate speech—it is acceptable to remove your own posts without fear of backlash.

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