Thursday, May 18, 2017

Top 5 Tools To Make Business Keyword Management Easier

Top 5 Tools To Make Business Keyword Management Easier

From years of running digital and content marketing for my software as a service (SaaS) business, I’ve learned the power of what good, relevant keyword targeting can do to establish your authority and improve awareness for your brand.

For example, this company grew their daily visitors by 40% and saw an increase in brand awareness by doing extensive keyword research.

And they’re not alone. About 82% of marketers report the significant rise of SEO effectiveness in 2016.

That’s why I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to determine a consistent set of effective keywords our company should identify with. Content marketing and SEO go hand-in-hand, so this set of keywords serves as a vital foundation for all content writing in the future.

Here’s how you can start determining keywords relevant to your business:

Know your customers

I always tell my marketing team to dig deep into understanding who our customers are first before executing any content or digital marketing plans.

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