Friday, May 12, 2017

12 Bits of Advice to Help You Get Your First 100 Likes on Facebook

12 Bits of Advice to Help You Get Your First 100 Likes on Facebook

Unless you have been living under a rock, I’m sure you’re familiar with Facebook and you’ve possibly liked a business page or two.

With over 1,700,000 million people using Facebook, businesses are utilizing this platform as a marketing tool. They’re creating awareness of their business using Facebook Pages.

The biggest struggle most business owners have is to get the consumer to like their Facebook page. This has become even harder as the Facebook Algorithm changes. Statistics indicate that only 1.6% of your current fans will see your posts. The question is, if so few fans see your posts how do you grow your brand and business page?

Let me show you how to grow your fan base and the amount of effort you need to do this correctly.

The First 100 Fans

The first step, which is often the hardest is the first 100 likes/fans.

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