Tuesday, January 30, 2018

How to Promote Your Ecommerce Store’s Promo Codes on Social Media

How to Promote Your Ecommerce Store’s Promo Codes on Social Media

For many e-commerce business owners today, promo codes are a necessary evil. You have to create discounts and post them on coupon sites in order to keep up with the competition, and there’s no way around it.

But promo codes don’t have to be all about sacrificing revenue to encourage sales. If you use your promo codes strategically, they can help drive major sales growth — even if you’re offering a big discount.

You just need to leverage social media to gain more traction with your audience and really stand out. Here’s how to do it.

Define your goals

Just as with any marketing endeavor, you must first define your goals before you create your social media promotion campaign. Promo codes aren’t just used for attracting new customers. You can also encourage customer retention when you share them with your social audience.


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