Tuesday, April 18, 2017

How to Promote Your Infographic on Social Media (The Best Practices)

Sharing infographics on Pinterest and Instagram makes sense, given that these platforms are specifically designed for sharing visual content. For these networks, you can simply pin or upload your infographics and they’ll easily be visible to your intended audience. But if you want to truly maximize their exposure, or if you want to share them

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Vikas Agrawal

Vikas Agrawal contributes a monthly column on Infographics. Vikas is a start-up Investor & co-founder of the Infographic design agency Infobrandz that offers creative and premium visual content solutions to medium to large companies. Content created by Infobrandz are loved, shared & can be found all over the internet on high authority platforms like HuffingtonPost, Businessinsider, Forbes , Tech.co & EliteDaily.

How to Promote Your Infographic on Social Media (The Best Practices) by Vikas Agrawal -Maximize Social Business


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