Wednesday, April 12, 2017

How to Produce More Personalized Video by Breaking the Fourth Wall

Brands that break the fourth wall with their video content are personally connecting with their audiences in powerful ways.


  • Companies like Peloton are changing the game with highly personalized, live video content.
  • Live video is a powerful tool for humanizing your content.
  • Personally connect with your audience by breaking the fourth wall with your video content.

Mary: The same technique that Ferris Bueller famously used in 1986 has caused me today to lose 15 pounds and become a brand advocate for life. No, this is not an infomercial.

But I’m Mary Nice. I’m a senior strategist at Convince & Convert. And today I wanna explore the topic of getting more personal with your video content by breaking the fourth wall. It’s a topic recently explored on the C&C blog by Kathy Klotz-Guest.

I recently took a financial plunge and purchased a Peloton bike. For those that don’t know what a Peloton bike is, Peloton is a company based out of New York that’s a spin studio. There’s thousands of them all over the world. But the difference of Peloton is they make their money, the bulk of their money, by spelling spin bikes to at-home riders with tablets affixed to them that live stream video content based in the studio in New York. So you can be an at-home rider and feel like you’re in the spinning studio in New York.

And the reason that this is working so well for Peloton is, yes, they have wonderful classes, yes, they have wonderful instructors, but they have encouraged their instructors to break the fourth wall and given them the technology to do that to make you feel, as an at-home rider, connected individually and personally to the instructors and to the people in the class. When you are riding, the instructors’ tablets and the tablets of those who are riding with you have the names and locations of people all over the world really riding. And they treat their video streams not like a fitness studio with cameras in it, but they really treat it like a television studio, live streaming content directly to you.

We all know that video is important. We all also know that video is more prevalent than ever, and everybody is producing video today to reach consumers. So how can you do it more personally and get better at it? I encourage you to explore using that fourth wall and breaking that fourth wall to more personally connect with your audience. So take a look at your content topics, at your content themes, and identify one that would most authentically connect with your consumers in a more personal way. So I encourage you to test it out. What content topic would most authentically be delivered by breaking that fourth wall, by bringing your brand, your people, and your audience together?

Thanks so much for watching. And if you enjoyed this or you found this useful, please share with your friends, and we’ll be back in your inbox next week.

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