Search engine referral traffic took over from social media as the biggest driver of website traffic in 2017 according to Shareaholic – up to 34.8%.
Unfortunately, though, this referral traffic doesn’t result in a conversion rate of anything near the same amount. An average of only 2 to 5% of social media activity results in a visitor completing whatever Call to Action you’ve specified in your campaigns.
Image: https://blog.shareaholic.com/search-engine-social-media-traffic-trends-report-2017
And yet all our social media marketing and content strategies are designed with one intent in mind. – To get as many visitors to our websites so they have a chance to either purchase our products, sign up for a service or commission us for a job.
Finding the secret formula to get that conversion is not unlike the famed search for El Dorado! There are rumours it’s out there, but no-one can identify just where it is.
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