Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Social Media and Trusting Your Instinct

Social Media and Trusting Your Instinct

Follow your instincts. That’s where true wisdom manifests itself. – Oprah Winfrey

As a business leader, we constantly face new challenges.

We steadily encounter interesting contacts, read inspiring stories, and experience that doing the right thing is not always easy.

“We spend our workdays in our outer world. We’re interacting with our team members and clients. We don’t have enough time in our inner world where we can reflect on those experiences and listen to what our gut might have to say,” says the professional development coach Hana Ayoub.

We are bombarded from different platforms with social media noise about how to fix our biggest career problems and with a large variety of information about how to be successful – and therefore it’s not surprising that many of us doubt our natural instincts and decision-making strategies. Instead of listening to our inner voice we quickly tune it out.


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