Monday, February 19, 2018

Will Instagram Be The Number One Platform From a Visual Content Perspective?

Will Instagram Be The Number One Platform From a Visual Content Perspective?

I have this curiosity to look for every top social network app on iOS and see where they categorize themselves in the App Store.

I’ve heard the idea that Facebook is not a social network but it’s a “media company”, but not the traditional media company, according to Mark Zuckerberg in an article from the Guardian.

Then on the opposite part, there is Snapchat (company name that proclaim that is a camera company.  And let’s not forget about Pinterest that wants to be the world’s catalogue of ideas while Instagram is conquering the visual platform place.

But still, Facebook, Linkedin, Google+ (exactly) and Pinterest are still in the Social Network category – while Instagram, YouTube,, and Snapchat are in the Photo and Video category. The one true social network that is different than the others is Twitter that found its place in the News category.

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